Thursday, 10 March 2016

Who Am I?

Am I an Engineer?
Am I a Doctor?
Am I a Teacher?
Am I an Entrepreneur?
I may be any of these,
But is that all I am?
Who Am I? I wonder!

Am I a Daughter?
Am I a Son?
Am I a Mother?
Am I a Father?
Am I a Wife?
Am I a Husband?
I may be any of these,
But is that all I am?
Who Am I? I wonder!

Am I Rich?
Am I Poor?
Am I Intelligent?
Am I Foolish?
Am I Refined?
Am I Crude?
I may be any of these,
But is that all I am?
Who Am I? I wonder!

Am I Beautiful?
Am I Ugly?
Am I Smart?
Am I Clumsy?
Am I Witty?
Am I Dull?
I may be any of these,
But is that all I am?
Who Am I? I wonder!

Am I this Body?
Am  I this Mind?
Am I the Five Senses?
Am I the Five Elements?
Who Am I? I wonder!

Who Am I?
The Quest Continues!
Delving Deeper and Deeper!
Perhaps, this is the Spirit of Enquiry!
As Unraveled By Ancient Seers!
And Maybe Revealed to Me Someday,
Through Infinite Grace and Blessings of My Master!

(This post was written in response to @BlogChatter prompt, 'Who Am I?')

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

I want to take my blog to the next level #Blogchatter

                    I was tagged by Ajay to write this post.     


                              To me, blogging appears to be a creative outlet of ideas and reflections which are shared with my readers, my audience. I value the time spent by my readers on going through my blog posts and hence make sure that I present authentic, well-researched information to my readers in a manner most suitable to the topic blogged and appealing to the sensibilities of my audience.

                               I started blogging last year and now want to take my blog to the next level!  I have been able to build a small loyal audience and would like to expand my loyal audience. I have shared my blog address on twitter and hope to attract twitterati towards my blog. Now , I am focusing on more in-depth content to feature higher on search engines and also to keep my readers completely engaged. Text is definitely not everything in a post. Adding suitable images and videos does boost up the value of a blog-post and is likely to get my posts more social shares. Increased interaction with my readers through active commenting by readers and by holding interactive quizzes requiring the readers to participate would take my blog to the next level.

                               I believe in organic growth personally, but things are a little commercial these days, with bloggers even paying to get more traffic to their blogs. I definitely am not saying if it is good or bad. But that would probably be my last option!

                               I believe in targeted recommendations by loyal readers and so building a loyal audience, as I have already mentioned in the opening paragraphs of this post is extremely important to me. Inviting guest bloggers is another step that I plan to take to make my blog reach a wider audience and also to add a new voice and dimension to my blog and provide my readers with a greater breadth of quality information.

                               Expert advice from the leading authority is welcome and would add credibility to my posts. Keeping track of the issues that affect my readers is definitely top-priority so that I can build content on those issues to help my readers.

                               Analytics is probably a good tool to make better publishing decisions, Based on the interest shown by my readers to particular topics through their comments and questions, I could probably come up with areas for improvement on my website like blog categories etc.

                               I have always believed in ingenuity and innovation. Thinking out of the box appeals to me greatly. I would experiment with unconventional approach to content to take my blog to the next level.

                               Learning from mistakes is wise and smart and not repeating the mistake is definitely wisdom.  These tips should help me create quality content to engage my readers and make them admire my blog, which will definitely push my blog up to the next level.

Thanks for Reading!  If you like it, do share it and this way, we can collectively take my blog to the next level !

Thanks in advance, for your support!

 I now tag Santosh to write his take on the topic.




I want to take my blog to the next level with Blogchatter